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The Earth Rocks! "Mural" is a large scale mosaic constructed from plastic water bottles collected and donated. The bottles were broken down into shards and painted to create a textured earthy surface. A collaboration with Northeastern club, Trash 2 Treasure, it was created as part of SGA's Earth Day Art Show, meant to showcase sustainability and promote reusing materials for art. The piece takes the notion of Earth Day literally, celebrating the earth we walk on and the creatures that inhabit it; it reminds us that the Earth is meant to be shared. Mural Club drew inspiration from stained glass windows and the fact that the plastic used was made from fossil fuels. 

The work is currently on display in a Kindergarten classroom in New Jersey.

Thank you to Eric Alvarez, Michael Ambozie, Emma Brodigan, Sam Cox, Natalia DiCicco, Sophie Fallon, Maisha Foyez, Jillian Garaway, Leena Gupta, Jess Healey, Rishi Kudaravalli, Adri Lanza, Sophie Leggett, Melinda Luo, Romi Manela, Daphne Savukas, Vanathi Selvan, Susanna Serrano, Amy Tey, Baifan Zhou, and more for making this possible!

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